BOC in Boston 10/16/76

BREVARD Adrian R. abrevard at SHL.COM
Mon Aug 28 17:27:00 EDT 1995

And now with the concert review here's Bart Braggart with his latest review,

Thanks Tim (yawn) not quite with it this morning that show ran rather late.
 Good morning listeners this is Bart Braggart with my I'm only a rock and
roll reviewer since they don't let me spin the wax here review of Boston's
latest rock concert.  Last night was amazing as I saw a group called The
Amazing Blue Oyster Cult....

Uh Bart,

Yes Tim,

Says here the name is Blue Oyster Cult not The Amazing Blue Oyster Cult.

Really Tim?

Really Bart, you should pay more attention at these shows, its what we pay
you for afterall.

Hey I was paying attention I can tell you every song they played.  Now shut
up Tim I only have three minutes you know.

Ok Bart.

Thanks.  Now back to the concert, as I said before the Amazing Blue Oyster
Cult, and if thats not their name maybe it should be.  Boston fans beware
these guys are better than are homegrown superstars Aerosmith.

Oh c'mon Bart you can't say things like that over the air.

Yes I can Tim when its the truth.  This band gives new meaning to the words
Rock and Roll, you better roll when they rock or they'll knock you down.
  This band has been around a couple of years now, actually these geezers
played a little during the 60's under some different names Soft White
something or other and Forest Stalkers or something like that.  But thats
the only thing you can knock this band for, silly names and a lot of them.
 Nevertheless their lienup has been together consistently and they play well
together.  Most of the songs came from their first three albums but they
played a few from their latest, which by the way I didn't play before going
to the concert like the station manager wanted me too.  Pssst played it last
night four times couldn't get enough of it.

Whats the name.

Barts the name.

Not you moron, the name of the album.

Agents of Fortune Tim.

Anyway these guys come out singing about stars and stairways and
autographing casts on peoples arms.  Didn't understand all the symbolism but
I was sure moving my feet.  This five piece collection of musical talent is
somewhat quirky though, I mean the place is as dark as a cave and the lead
singers wearing shades, maybe he was blinded by the lead guitarist in the
loud white leisure suit, guy must shop at the same store as my uncle Lou.

Dammit Bart can you tell us about the concert or what?

Gee Tim go have a baby or somethinbg it'll be easier on your nerves, Is that
coffee in that cup?   Can I ahve some. Heck with him fans BOC as I call them
cause their name is too long ran through their set at warp speed with
everything and I mean everything sounding very good.   I mean these guys can
play it loud, mellow or in-between.  I only got one complaint though, where
the hell did they come up with some of those lyrics?  I mean what the hell
is an ME 262, thought I heard something about Hitler in there but I couldn't
be sure.  The song sure is one fast paced monster rocker though.  I likes
that one and lets see hard to tell with my notes on this pair of pink laced
underwear, not sure where I got them from my girl wasn't wearing any, ok, ok
here it is, Flaming Telepaths a really cool song though I can't figure why
the guy with the shades and my girl kept kept pointing at me during the

Let me tell you a little about the musicians though, the drummer was
incredible he and the guitar player in the white suit both had solos on this
song called Bucks Boogie.  Man can these guys tear it up, I coulda listen to
them play for another ten minutes easily.  Right after this the bass player,
who happens to be the drummers brother lit into his own solo on a song
Called This Ain't the Summer of Love.  Man that bass player must lift a lot
of weights, he had some big guns and his bass carries some big ass...

Don't say that over the air ok Bart.

Yeah, Yeah, but it did you know thump thump thump the kinda bass you can
feel as well as hear.
Well the last song they played, and mark my words on this one, is gonna be a
big hit, its called Don't Fear the Reaper and its sung by the guy in the
leisure suit.  Awsome awesome song man we gotta get a copy for the station
to play before someone beats us to it.  Yep these guys are gonna be real big
real soon.  Great stage precsence and cool music.  You know Tim these guys
don't really remind me of anybody currently out there playing.

They don't Bart?

Naw, I mean their music is scary like Sabbaths, more fun than Kiss and
really appeals to standard Rock & roll funny bones like Aerosmith and Zep,
but for some reason they are very dfifferent from all of those guys I just
can't place em.  Well until tomorrow when I should have a review of a band
called Triumph, Triumph? does this say Triumph Tim.

Yep that what it says Bart.

Who the hell are they?

There a three peice band from Canada, Toronto I think.

You gatta be kidding me?  What do they play with hockey sticks there ain't
no rock and roll going on in Canada, c'mon.

Uh Bart, remember the concert you did last week about Rush, well they are
from Canada.

They Are?

Yes they are.

Gee when did those guys ever learn how to play rock and roll music.  I won't
be around for Triumph anyway.

Why not Bart?

I gotta find my girl.  It just dawned on me why she and the lead singer were
pointing fingers at me when he kept singing the jokes on you.

Why what do you remember.

I remember where I got these pink undies from, he threw them at me.  Where
are those guys playing next.

According to this New York City, there home town.

Well I'm packing my bags and going down to see them again.

Going to look for your girl?

Nah just want to see that guy in the leisure suit and the drummer do that
solo thing again.  This is Bart Braggart siging off.

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