HW: Boy do I have a rumour ....

Paul Ward sonique at AARDVARK.APANA.ORG.AU
Fri Dec 1 12:10:13 EST 1995

But I'm sworn to secrecy, as law suits (not against boc-l'ers) may result!

When I have permission (if I can keep it in that long!), I'll let you ALL
know about it ;^)

Paul Ward        aka: Assassin Sonique'      .---.  __  .--------   Long
R & D Manager, P & C Micro's Pty Ltd        /     \( o`-,  -----   may
mail: sonique at aardvark.apana.org.au        ////    '~ (    ---   they
http://aardvark.apana.org.au/~sonique/    /////// :    ; ---   Fly!

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