
John A Swartz jswartz at MBUNIX.MITRE.ORG
Fri Dec 1 15:58:25 EST 1995

Some may be confused by Sony's release of the 3-Pak so close to WotT.
I have in the past questioned this release myself -- but I chalk it
up to the following:

Record companies don't understand, or don't care about what us fans
want - they do what they think will bring in the most profit, and they
probably guess wrong more times than they'd care to admit.

Also, with regard to the 3-Pak, I found out that record stores don't
necessarily understand what's going on.  Went to my local Newbury
comics (which is really a record store that sells comics, for those
of you that don't know) the other day and found the 3-Pak selling for
$24.  BUT - each of the individual BOC albums that makes up the 3-Pak
was selling for $7 each -- you do the math.


PS:  I'm signing off for a week as I'll be out of the office.  Try and
play nice.   ;-)

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