BOC in Paris.

Fri Dec 8 13:00:57 EST 1995

> Hello,
> I am back to boc-l after some trouble with our mail server... Woaaa,
> did I missed useful informations about BOC in Paris?
> I am very nervous because I ordered tickets for next thursday via
> the Minitel (you know, the french internet) and they are blocked
> due to the strikes... It seems that they will not arrive at home on
> time... The girl is trying to get them for me but it will be difficult...
> I have also called the french producer who agreed to give me backstage
> and rehersals pass. He just told me that they will not have time to reherse.
> Since they are playing the day before in London and due to the
> huge trafic problems (the strikes) in France, they will have no time left...
> My god, I am waiting for this day since 1984 and...
> I'll try to keep you informed.
> Cheers,
> _______________________________________________________
> Jean-Charles Moriaud                       Digital Equipment Corporation
> Tel: +41 22 709 4979                                   12, av. des Morgines
> Fax: +41 22 709 4140                                        1213 Petit-Lancy
> INet: jean-charles.moriaud at                    Geneva
> X.400: c=ch; a=400net; p=digital; o=digital; ou=geo      Switzerland
> _______________________________________________________

Sounds like an amazing show.  How big a venue is this?  It hasn't
been quite that long since my last BOC show, but I'm definitely
having withdrawal symptoms.  Give us a review, if you can.
t'amuse tres bien, hein?

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