HW: Side Comment: Ship weighs in...

Craig Shipley craigs at PYRAMID.COM
Fri Dec 8 15:21:28 EST 1995

> Sidebar - I'm going through BOC-L withdrawal.  The traffic has dropped off
> so much that I don't know if the cure is worse than the disease.  I regret
> that Guido Vacano left, though I barely knew him.  Deb's departure is real
> bad.  I do like a little frivolity in life and hate to have to censor myself
> in that others may think what I have to post is garbage.  Seems that others
> are having the same dilemma.  There must be a happy medium.   Somebody drink
> some coffee!
> Cleveland Rocks! - Right, Scott?
> Rudy
> ob CD - Todd Rundgren _A Wizard, A True Star_
Ladies and gentlemen,

IMHO, the problem as of late is that the discussion has ranged _far_
off-topic and has degenerated into a lot of name calling. This is what
is pissing off the old-timers and causing their dropping off the list.
I am very close to dropping off myself, as the number of posts that I
have recieved lately have a very high noise-to-signal level. I have
been responsible for off-topic deviations in the past, but they have
been _topical_ deviations, such as the Ozrics, Ship Of Fools and Eloy.
What do they have in common with this list? These are bands that display
a level of _intelligence_ and talent, just like BOC (once described as
"the thinking man's heavy metal band". Sorry, ladies, their sexist remark,
not mine) and Hawkwind. These guys just don't sing songs about "Jane, Jane,
the hurricane"! The intelligence aspect is also very evident amongst the
participants of this mailing list. Don't know about the rest of you, but
it amazes me at the number of real-live doctors we have (or, sadly, _had_)
amongst us. There is a level of intelligence in this list that far out
weighs most others, but the crap that has been flying as of late has
driven a lot of the old-timers out. This is the lists' loss. Frivolity
is _fine_, we are not a humourless bunch, but until you have established
your style of posting, use the frickin' emoticons and the IMHO's and
whatever necessary to get your style across! I post silly posts from
time to time and even my regular posts try to maintain a sense of
humour. But, I established that style and the long-timers know that.
If I tell "Herr X" that his opinion is full of puppy-poo-poo, I am
hoping that Herr X knows that I am saying so with a big grin on my
face and I am not attacking him personally. Until you have established
your place, behave with the best of manners and show respect for your
fellow list members (can you tell that I am a father yet? :-) ). Remember
that you are not dealing with a bunch of fifteen-year-old schoolkids

You are right, the loss of Guido and Deb (amongst others) is a significant
blow to this list. Many of us would like to see the list return to the
level of civility and intelligence that it once displayed, but we're
dammned if we know how to do it. We cannot force the list to behave as
we would like it to, as none of us here are Net-Police and _do_not_want_
to be that! We don't want you to censor yourselves to the point of being
frightened to post this to the list 'cuz it might piss someone off, but
just be civil when you post. (Sheesh, look at me, ain't I on a high horse!
Just call me the Reverend Craig! Amen! :-)).

Enough outta me. To Hell with the coffee, it's Friday! Time for beer!
I'm outta here!(until Monday, anyhoo) Play nice, children....

objCassette Player: Ship Of Fools / Close Your Eyes (Forget The World)
                    ...ironic choice, ain't it?

      -m------- Craig Shipley   aka: craigs at pyratl.ga.pyramid.com
    ---mmm----- Pyramid Technology Corporation, A Siemens-Nixdorf Company
  -----mmmmm--- 1100 Johnson Ferry Road NE, Suite 400
-------mmmmmmm- Atlanta, GA 30342      (404) 845-3404

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