HW: Alien, the word(s)

Martyn White white at BORG.MED.ECU.EDU
Wed Dec 20 11:19:22 EST 1995

> 2nd track - ALIEN  <spoken intro, song, spoken outro>
>> "What kind of receiver would be capable of processing these signals?"
>> "A system designed to modify the electromagnetic spectrum and carry
>> those messages directly to the human brain"    <this must be a quote
>>                                                 from something???? js>
>Sounds like Commander Data (Brent Spiner) and the Enterprise computer
>(Majel Barrett) to me.  Real Trekkies will be able to tell you which
>episode... :)
>- Andy

        Exactly.  I think its the one where Jordi gets captured by
the Romulans and brainwashed.  He is then controlled by electromagnetic
signals from the Romulans which are picked up and processed by his visor
and carried to his brain down his optic nerve.

Not really a real trekkie


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