HW: Need Definitions
Paul Mather
Thu Dec 21 00:12:38 EST 1995
HERBERT119 at DELPHI.COM writes:
> A. What the hell is a "battery hen"? They're not too adept at
> flying, I presume? Perhaps a mechanical wind-up toy?
Battery hens are probably best known as "factory farmed" hens in the
USA. They are hens which are dramatically confined in tiny cages and
live only to lay eggs, production-line fashion. There are also "barn"
hens and "free range" hens (in ascending order of non-cruelty). See
Jill's post on the phrase "battery hen" from way back for exhaustive
Anyway, it makes the imagery all the more striking---the clone
ultimately likening himself to an anonymous battery hen. Great line!
> C. "Suss" - After hearing this in several HW songs (but never
> anywhere else), I've gathered it means to "understand",
> "comprehend", or maybe to "deal with", etc... Common British
> slang term?
Yes, you sussed it. :-) (It means "understand," "comprehend,"
"figure out," etc.)
obCD: Frank Zappa, _Burnt Weeny Sandwich_
e-mail: paul at csgrad.cs.vt.edu A stranger in a strange land.
"Why, even this doggerel that flows from my pen
Has just been written by another
Twenty [thousand] telepathic men
It says, ``Oh for the wings of any bird
Other than a battery hen...''
And that's the spirit of the age"
--- Hawkwind, "Spirit Of The Age," _Quark, Strangeness and Charm_
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