Why no Trep Yet (fwd)

Chip Hart chip at PCC.COM
Mon Nov 6 12:39:39 EST 1995

BREVARD Adrian R.:
> Hmm, not sure Al & Deb's livelihood depends solely on moi buying a copy of
> Trepanation...

        Unfortunately, this is a fallacious argument held up by many
        software piraters and other copyright violators.  The problem
        is, AB, that you are *not* the only one who has a copied CD.

        Anyone who has ever written a piece of software or a song and
        has seen it stolen knows all about this.  You're right, A+D
        don't depend on you, alone.  But you're not alone.  By far.

        More importantly, consider the effect on the BS beyond the
        direct financial aspects.  Right now, I know that A+D consider
        the relative small sales success of their albums when it comes
        to deciding what to do (remember how personally Al took
        criticism way back when?).  So, there they are, deciding
        whether or not to make another album, and sales are slow.
        Perhaps people aren't as interested, they think, or that their
        market is just a few people on BOC-L.  So they stop making

        That, to me, would suck.

        Remember, this is not Atlantic Records here (and even if it
        were, it shouldn't matter).

        *Don't take this all personally*, especially because I know there
        are perhaps dozens of people with copied CD's reading this now
        (or who KNOW someone reading this).  If you don't like the
        music, DON'T buy it.  But if you do - and you really should
        like _Trepanation_, based on your other reviews - *encourage*
        Al and Deb and buy the damn thing.

        It will be worth the "CAREER of Christmas" alone, trust me.

> my entire cd collection is numbers less than 40 and most of those
> are from the cutout bin costing anywhere from $1.99 to $5.99.

        Cripes, if you'd skipped on or two of those Triumph CD's, you'd
        have Trep on your lap now :-)

        So, off my soapbox now.  I'll take it to private email.

Chip Hart                          *            chip at pcc.com
People's Computer Company          *            http://www.pcc.com/~chip
15 Pinecrest Drive                 *            Work:800-722-7708
Essex Junction, VT  05452          *            Fax: 802-872-8177

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