Watt Credits
John A Swartz
Thu Nov 9 08:28:10 EST 1995
Adrian asked for a mini-review of the Watt/Bouchard (if you look at the
credits, you'll see I can't just refer to it as the "Watt" single)
Dominance & Submission single.
Well, first of all it is basically the same song as the BOC song - that is
the overall structure of the song doesn't change. It is definitely
heavier - the bass is more prominent (hey, Watt's a bassplayer), and
the guitar is a bit grungier (hey, it's the 90's), and of course there is
also Joe Bouchard's added piano which gives it just a hint of "classic
rock". There are minor lyric changes, since it's now been more than 10
years since that ride with Charles and Suzy, and since we're in the
nineties and not the sixties anymore . . . well, if you saw how I signed
off on one of my posts yesterday you probably get the idea. Also, after
the guitar solo, there's a little "mini-jam" where Watt on bass, Joe on
piano, and Albert on drums trade a few licks. Finally, someone decided
to have a little fun in the studio mixing this track as the song ends
with the "Dominance! (Submission) Radios appear" bit, but the end effect
sounds like someone kept slowing down the tape player until it stopped
moving - kinda cool, although a bit difficult for me to jam along with on
my bass at home . . .
All in all, a very cool version of the song which pays fitting tribute to
the original version, yet with just enough changes to give it a 90's feel.
Kudos to all involved, and let's hope Watt will consider getting it on
his next album, or perhaps engaging in future collaborations with the
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