
Dan Lindfors lindfors at ALGONET.SE
Tue Nov 14 20:42:58 EST 1995

> Yeah remarkable that they rated it lower than CN.  ETL is second after
> OYFOOYK and just slightly ahead of SEE.  ETL is good becuase of Joan
> Crawford, Veterans, and Roadhouse Blues its bad becuase D&S just ain't the
> same without a Bouchard touch same with COF. SEE is acceptable but only
> because of Astronomy and ETI, Kick out the Jams is acceptable but I don't
> think it really fits BOC the way some others do.  If they can play that song
> then surely they could play some other rocking covers even if they
> considered them mindless.  Got some more coffee in me but I won't start
> another Covers BOC should do thread.  Long live the King, OYFOOYK, the best
> live album ever made bar none. Raw, energetic, gutsy and the best damn
> version of Subhuman you will ever hear.
Of course my sleeve says that Al played on D&S and Black Blade. But I
admit it sounds unusally stiff. Maybe it was not the most inspiring
times then...
I never really liked ETL much (JC, VOTPW and Roadhouse are fine, yes), and
I think it's mostly because of the strange production. Hey, sometimes you almost
cannot hear Buck's guitar!(I'm not even quite sure they play that
strange and beautiful C#-chord in D&S)

OYFOOYK is in my opinion outstanding (and Subhuman is very special to
me too). Though I've heard that none in the band were that much pleased with it.
Could it be that they were not too comfortable with their image?
I think Al later said of this period, that maybe they played like heavy metal nurds, but they weren't...
I bought OYFOOYK after AoF,  so I knew they were not all that mean
and dangerous :-)


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