More Directory Stuff
Wed Nov 15 17:42:00 EST 1995
Some Directory Notes -
Martin sending you verification that your data was absorbed by the directory
today. One thing though you did not include a primary band (which band
brought you to the list) I am assuming Hawkwind, please correct me if this
is not true.
Received a few more responses today all, HW primary. Now assuming Martin is
also Hawkwind the numbers read as follows:
41 BOC Primary
51 Hawkwind Primary
1 Invaluable Celeberty Resource (That's Al) for a directory total of
93 people, lurkers, gnomes, doctors, celeberties, FAQ editors, Assasin
Soniques (?) Witches, Warlocks, Prog lovers, mouthy wierdo's (thats me),
ambient music lovers, & Torgo's .
Haven't run any age numbers yet (may have to do it by hand) but the youngest
list member appears to be 16 with the oldest 48. What say we leave the
phone lines open to close of business monday 20th. This will allow weekend
posts to be included. By closde of business monday I will forward it to
Charlie Grant to make it e-mail friendly for everyone to enjoy.
Wait this late breaking news bullettin just in, there are surely no Sherlock
Holmes' on this list as no one including myself till now has noticed a
glaring ommission from the directory (No not Steve Swann) Where is ROBODUDES
info? Robo you out there somewhere? Did you abandon us in favor of AOL?
Speak to me guy where are you?
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