1980 tour

Bernhard Pospiech bp at SOKRATES.RUHR.DE
Thu Nov 23 01:55:28 EST 1995

Hi there

> Im pretty sure Blake was still with them at Preston.
Sorry Martyn,but I am not so sure. As far as I know Tim left after the
HANLEY gig, 17.10.1980.

Two days after the Hanley gig (the 18.10.1980 was a day off) TWINK played on
syths.until LEICESTER 24.10.1980.HAYLES joyned on the same day and they
played TOGETHER during this gig (unfortunately no tape exist from this gig)
MOORCOCK guested in PRESTON, 20.10.1980.

You can notice all these changes by reading the track-listings from these gigs.

Here is a small list from the Autumn 1980 tour

BK=Brock, BA=Baker, LL=Lloyd langton, BL=Blake, HA=Hayles, TK=Twink

Manchester      Apollo          10-Oct-80  Fri     BR/BA/LL/BL/BK
Liverpool       Empire          11-Oct-80  Sat     BR/BA/LL/BL/BK
Derby           Assembly Rooms  12-Oct-80  Sun     BR/BA/LL/BL/BK
Sheffield       City Hall       13-Oct-80  Mon     BR/BA/LL/BL/BK
Birmingham      Odeon           14-Oct-80  Tue     BR/BA/LL/BL/BK
Ipswich         Gaumont         15-Oct-80  Wed     BR/BA/LL/BL/BK
Gloucester      Leisure Centre  16-Oct-80  Thu     BR/BA/LL/BL/BK
Hanley          Victoria Hall   17-Oct-80  Fri     BR/BA/LL/BL/BK
Oxford          Apollo          19-Oct-80  Sun     BR/BA/LL/BK/TK
Preston         Guild Hall      20-Oct-80  Mon     BR/BA/LL/BK/TK/MO
Glasgow         Apollo          21-Oct-80  Tue     BR/BA/LL/BK/TK
Newcastle       City Hall       22-Oct-80  Wed     BR/BA/LL/BK/TK
Leicester       DeMontfort Hall 24-Oct-80  Fri     BR/BA/LL/HA/TK/BK
St.Austell      New Cornish Riv 25-Oct-80  Sat     BR/BA/LL/HA/BK
Poole           Wessex Hall     26-Oct-80  Sun     BR/BA/LL/HA/BK
Portsmouth      Guild Hall      28-Oct-80  Tue     BR/BA/LL/HA/BK
Taunton         Odeon           29-Oct-80  Wed     BR/BA/LL/HA/BK
Bristol         Colston Hall    30-Oct-80  Thu     BR/BA/LL/HA/BK
Guildford       University      31-Oct-80  Fri     BR/BA/LL/HA/BK
Norwich         University      01-Nov-80  Sat     BR/BA/LL/HA/BK
London          Hammersmith     02-Nov-80  Sun     BR/BA/LL/HA/BK
London          Hammersmith     03-Nov-80  Mon     BR/BA/LL/HA/BK
Croydon         Fairfields Hall 04-Nov-80  Tue     BR/BA/LL/HA/BK
Trefforest      Town Hall       05-Nov-80  Wed     BR/BA/LL/HA/BK
Chelmsford      Odeon           06-Nov-80  Thu     BR/BA/LL/HA/BK
Cardiff         Polytechnic     08-Nov-80  Sat     BR/BA/LL/HA/BK
Hull            City Hall       09-Nov-80  Sun     BR/BA/LL/HA/BK
Doncaster       Rotters         10-Nov-80  Mon     BR/BA/LL/HA/BK
Grimsby         Central Hall    11-Nov-80  Tue     BR/BA/LL/HA/BK
Belfast         Ulster Hall     13-Nov-80  Thu     BR/BA/LL/HA/BK
Dublin          Grand Cinema    14-Nov-80  Fri     BR/BA/LL/HA/BK
Cork            University      15-Nov-80  Sat     BR/BA/LL/HA/BK

Hope this helps

BERNHARD POSPIECH                                bp at sokrates.ruhr.de

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