BOC:Kerrang Biog (At last)

Mon Nov 27 11:50:29 EST 1995

> Theo lists a whole bunch of stuff regarding BOC's equipment . . .
> Couple of points and questions.
> 1.  I always thought Buck's guitar which you say looked like a cross
> between and Explorer and Flying V was in fact an Explorer.
> 2.  In addition to Eric's Les Paul custom w/Chronos logo inlaid, he also
> had an SG with the logo as well.
> 3.  Don't know 'bout other people's opinions of guitars, but my ears
> just LOVE the sound of a Strat . . . very sweet indeed.
> 4.  Was Joe's Alembic that big brown bass?  He also used something else
> circa 1980 or '81 - had a black body with a very light-colored neck.  I
> saw an old (circa '72 or '73 I think) picture of BOC, and apparently Joe
> also used to play a Rickenbacker on occassion.
> 5.  Now that we've got the guitars down, what brand of drums did Al play,
> and are they different than what he now uses in The Brain Surgeons?  I've
> got an old Modern Drummer article on Al - perhaps I should go look this
> up myself . . .
> John
I'm 100% sure about the Giuliano gtr.  In fact, it was called a
vulcan, I believe, make of that what you will.  Joe did use
Rickenbackers on occasion, and I may be giving his early instruments
short shrift.  The Alembic was his primary axe from, oh, '77 or so
till he left the band.  It was dark brown, which may have looked
black in some photos, and was a big, ugly mother of an instrument,
though made of exotic woods, and was really a sandwich, with lighter
colored wood (maple?) in the middle, with, I'm guessing, walnut, or
perhaps something more exotic on the outside.

Al experimented with different drums.  I haven't had the pleasure of
seeing the Surgeons, so I don't know what he uses now.  In the BOC,
he favored large mounted toms, very deep, and huge parade-style drum
sticks.  I've seen him hammering Sonor, Premier, and Slingerland drum
kits, but I couldn't match them up with any specific period of time.
Sorry, I'm a gtrst, not a drummer, and I tend to remember the gtr
gear better than the other stuff.

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