Mamakin BS Blowout

Rudich, Robert A Rudich at VOLPE2.DOT.GOV
Tue Nov 28 14:51:00 EST 1995

John, we'll have to get together.  We can be the burnouts that yell requests
from Imaginos, sing the wrong lyrics and generally be part of somebody's
worst concert ever.  There was a post about some such guy at a HW concert
that made me say, "that's what I want to be for someone, someday."  It is
the time for giving.  (I hope to debut my Nethawks T there.)

Are you in the Worcester area?  Want to make a pit stop at the 1/2 way
point?  I'm in Framingham.   I own stock in Boston Brewery, so every Sam
Adams I hoist adds to my personal wealth.

Rudy (the memories of a burnout are the deeds of a dude when he's blitzed)
 My apologies to PF.

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