BOC??: Strats rewl! - with a twist

Bryan Irby irby at CRUX.ASTR.UA.EDU
Tue Nov 28 17:57:32 EST 1995

>         Supposedly, if you learn something while in a particular
> state of mind (e.g. straight, drunk or stoned), it is recalled more
> easily at times when you are subsequently in the same state
> Yours scientifically
> Martyn
> PS. Do people think this is true?   Has it been scientifically
> investigated?   I can't remember.   Wait a minute maybe if I .......
> I'll get back to you later .. . .. . ...    ..

Well, it's not scientific, but..:

"It's okay man, if there's one thing I know, it's how to drive when
 I'm stoned.  It's like you know your perspective is fucked - you just
 gotta let your hands work the controls as if you're straight.."

                                                -Zeke (or is it Edsel?)
                                                 (from _Heavy Metal: The Movie_)

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