HW: I'm back too!

Dave Berry daveb at HARLEQUIN.CO.UK
Fri Oct 6 15:07:08 EDT 1995

>         I hear rumors of the new HW EP being
> out ... what are the chances of finding it in a shop?

Get theeself to Parrot's Records on King St. (not King's Parade, that's a
completely different street).  It has two branches; one sells jazz/blues/
classical/folk/world music, and the other sells rock/techno/ambient/reggae/etc.
The second usually has the latest HW stuff in, though not much other HW.

For a wide range of HW, have a look in Andy's Records on Fitzroy St.  They're
more expensive (normal UK prices), but have a much bigger range of HW.  It
might be worth looking in their second-hand section (upstairs) as well.

Hope to see you at the Brixton gig.


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