HW: Arrested Development
Paul G Ward
Mon Oct 23 04:20:14 EDT 1995
On 20 Oct 95 Rudich, Robert A wrote about HW: Arrested Development:
> >When I first got this LP, I thought it was the best thing they ever
> >did. I still like it, but it is WAY too 'commercial' I think.
> Guess something stunted me in my growth. :-)
No, it's just that when I realised that my wife liked it too, I
figured that it MUST be WAY too commercial ;^)
> >These three make the album!
> I wish I said that. Damn, you are good!
You are way too kind!
Paul (ego swelling nicely)
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Paul Ward aka: Assassin Sonique' .---. __ .-------- Long
R & D Manager, P & C Micro's Pty Ltd / \( o`-, ----- may
mail: sonique at aardvark.apana.org.au //// '~ ( --- they
http://aardvark.apana.org.au/~sonique/my.html /////// : ; --- Fly!
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