"small clubs" debate

Tue Oct 24 13:04:00 EDT 1995

>I have to agree with RR.  Having seen BOC in 1982 outdoors with the huge
>Zilla rising from behind the stage, pyrotechnics, etc., and then seeing
>at a large club in Philadelphia (approx. 1989 or so), I'll take the outdoor
>concert anytime.  Despite the thousands of people (compared to hundreds
>indoors), it was definitely a better show outside.  Also, the energy of the
>crowd is much better at the large outdoor shows.

>One area I might disagree with RR is where he says that BOC is playing more
>for the love of the music than to make big bucks.  I think they're just
>.what they're best at to make a living, just like the rest of us working
>stiffs who go to work everyday.  This is a real shame, because I remember a
>time when they did it for the love of the music, as RR says, and when they
>fed off the energy of the crowd going nuts.  Now it seems to be just a job
>do.  A pity, really.

>-Dr. Bob
>rkohl at state.de.us

Well Dr. Bob, if you had joined this list several months ago you could have
participated in some great threads regarding the financial viability, whats
keeping them going, why aren't they bigger, what they could do to get bigger
type threads.  These threads usually lasted quite some time, annoyed some
and generally seemed to come to the same conclusion each time.  In the
interest of the list I'll try to make some brief points addressing the
business side of what they are doing and briefly touch on why they are still

Business - BOC standard fee for doing a show is approximately $5,000.  This
may seem like peanuts but multiply that out over 200 shows or more a year
and you are talking some pretty good money even after expenses.  In addition
when you look at their touring schedule they seem to do a lot of criss
crossing around the country in a nonsensical manner.  It is likely that when
you see a tour stop in Penn. one day and playing in New Mexico two days
later that the band is not only recovering its standard fee for the
performance but having its reasonable travel and living costs covered by the
buyer also.

We have discussed whether they are still a viable force financially but I
think most of it has centered around selling records or the lack of a
recording contract.  The real key IMHO is right in front of our eyes, there
are plenty of concert hall, festival operators that think the band is a good
buy otherwise they would not have the schedule they currently do.  Also a
source close to the band tells me that the Oyster guys are probably doing
better now, financially speaking than they did in the seventies.  There is
much more in the way of expenses with the mega tours, promoters, ticket
agents, equipment costs than there is in doing the club circuit.

Why are they still doing it? - Judging by the fans ability to meet and talk
with the band after most performances, the fact that these guys love coming
out and talking I truly believe they are enjoying what they are doing.  A
guy like Buck could probably make a comfortable living being an instructer
or assisting some up and comming musicians with there careers with the added
benefit of sleeping in his own bed each night.  Alan ditto. Eric has a lot
of creative interest that he could probably devote his time to.  I believe
the band continues to tour because they really love what they are doing.
 I'm sure its hard for them at times all the travel playing on consecutive
nights but they are after all professional musicians and veterans of the
music wars; we all have are bad hair days.   Yeah they didn't have much of
an opportunity tio scchmooze with fans at Jaxx but this was mostly the fault
of the club and not the band.  In addition they seemed a bit tired but if
you saw what the weather was like the night of the show I'm sure they
encountered a lot of difficulties in just putting it on.

So theres my $.02 on the subject.  Middle of the road opinion though becuase
I beleive they are still going for a little bit of both reasons.


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