Bloom's attitude again.

Fri Oct 27 12:51:00 EDT 1995

I see we are touching the AOL vs. BOC-L thing again.  I'm not flaming any
body's point of veiw in regards to this but would like to make a couple of
breif comments:

1) BOC-L is negative - The only way for Eyes to get this opinion is a)
soemone is a part of BOC-l and AOL and has passed this point of view to Eyes
or perhaps posted selected info for Eyes to see b) Eyes may have played
lurker in the past and saw soemthing he did not like.  In his defense when
someone posted his response on this service I think Eyes did not want to
join BOC-L because of a heavy commitment to AOL and the group that was
formed there.  I distinctly recall the end of his message stating if someone
could show him something better he would take a look at it.  I interpreted
this as meaning if there were a service were the AOL, Prodgidy and BOC-L
crew could all access that would be great.  I did not intepret it as meaning
AOL is superior to BOC-L becuase of the suscribers on either list.  I may be
wrong but thats how I read it.

2) A source close to the band provided me with this insight on Eyes;  he is
a man that just will not deal with negatives.  Eyes is strictly and soley a
positive person.  He will not allow anything to rain on his parade and will
find a positive aspect to every situation.  In any situation or any person
there are positive to be found and he looks hard for them not matter what.
  Really if Eyes has a fault it is that he prefers positives over negatives
with everything he does, with the people he works with etc.,  We should have
national leaders who have these type of characteristics.

3) I did not have an opportunity to meet Eyes after the show at Jaxx, but
some veterans I have talked to informed me that Eyes is usually the first
one out to meet and great the fans.  He is patient in answering questions
and talks freely with people.  He dosen't sound like a guy who prefers one
type of fan over another witht he exception of truly negative people.  This
is just my opinion, but  I don't see anything wrong with that.

So again, this is a forum to discuss the band and opionions that relate to
the band and its members.  These opinions should be freely expressed and
accepted by others as the legitimate opinions of the author.  My opinion is
that the AOL vs BOC-L flap was not a slight to the fine folks here on this
service, rather it was Eyes expression that he preferred AOL for reasons
other than the folks who populate either.


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