BOC in San Francisco

Robert B. Welch rbwelch at NETCOM.COM
Thu Sep 7 04:31:40 EDT 1995

Just got back from the show. The highlight of the evening for me came
after a devastatingly good "Astronomy". Buck and Allen brought out stools
and acoustic guitars and played "In Thee". The crowd loved it and sang
along. I think Allen doesn't get enough recognition for his
contributions. Also got to hear, for the first time in a long time,
"Buck's Boogie" and "Dominance & Submission". Eric mentioned the upcoming
release in about two weeks of the boxed set by Sony, but didn't give any
specifics as to what it would contain. I didn't catch the name of the new
bassist, but someone said he had been with the band for only three weeks.
I wore earplugs this time, and will have to get used to the way the music
sounds with them in. (But at least, I'll be able to hear normal levels of
sound tommorrow). Now must sleep for this morning is the start of another
work day.

Robert Welch

"Show me your portfolio! Lie to me about your family!"
Cmdr. Ivanova, Babylon 5, having "sex".
                                             rbwelch at

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