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J Strobridge
eset08 at CASTLE.ED.AC.UK
Tue Sep 12 18:22:37 EDT 1995
> Football crazy
> He's football mad
> The football it has taken away
> The little bit of sense he had
> And it would take a thousand ?????
> To ???????????????????
> The night he became a member
> Of that terrible football club
what an interestingly sanitised version. I've only ever heard the
Glasgow accented version which went something like....
He's fitba crazy, he's fitba mad
And the fitba it has taken a'
The wee bit sense he had.
And it would take a dozen skivvies
To {....? ...}
When wee Jock became a member o' that
Turrible fitba club.
And, no, I don't remember the 5th line either tho' it might have
something to do with cleaning off the mud of a football pitch but I'm
not sure!
J.D.Strobridge at eset08 at
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