Secret Agent = HW: Retread Tracks?
Carl E. Anderson
canders at WJH.HARVARD.EDU
Wed Sep 13 10:25:50 EDT 1995
> > Well, on ET "Mask of Morning" was a retread of "Mirror of Illusion"
> > from the first album (mind you, a very worthwhile retread IMHO) and Secret
> > Agent was a retread of "On the Case" (I think) from one of the Brock solo
> > albums. But I liked that too ...
> I was unaware of this one. Which Brock solo lp was it from?
Um, either the first or second, but I'm not sure since I have only
the CD version which combines the two early Brock solo albums (minus a
track or two). The song _has_ changed from the earlier form, but its
ancestry is pretty clear.
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