Is any Body Out There?

Joseph Brooks bpalace!jbrooks at CONNECTNET1.CONNECTNET.COM
Fri Sep 15 23:38:07 EDT 1995

On Fri 15-Sep-1995  3:54p, BREVARD Adrian R. wrote:

BR> Where the hell are all the BOC fans lately?  Oh I get it, there all
BR> pitching
BR> tents to be first in line at the music store waiting for WOTT.  Ok, ok,
BR> that
BR> works.  Man  its gotten quiet over the last few weeks.  Not threatening to
BR> start  the old are BOC through? routine but someone, anyone say something
BR> or
BR> anything.  How about the child pornography ring on AOL (Eyes you sure you
BR> want to affiliate with AOL?); can someone talk about the new bassist and
BR> proposed new drummer?  What are the Surgeons up to?   Come on the silence
BR> is
BR> killing me.

I've been really busy with work, school & family these last few weeks but I'm
still out here...

I've been waiting for some good BOC posts to spring off from.. I'm better at
that than at originating threads..

Lets see.. anybody seen a tour date listing? I still need to get off my dead
ass and find out if there's any San Diego dates.. They were just up in L.A.
and I couldn't make it up there and now I fear that I may have missed them if
they did an SD date.

I have a suggestion/request: Could someone who has easy access to current tour
dates please post them here from time to time?

Suggestion for the band: Allow taping at your shows!!! Many big bands are
doing it and we love 'em for it. Phish, Blues Traveler, Black Crowes, Grateful
Dead, I even heard that Metallica is or was allowing tapers into their shows.
I suppose some see it as a loss of revenue but 90% of tapers respect the
'trade' only rule and make 0 profit from it. It also spreads the music around
so that more people hear it..., and hopefully want to hear more, eh? If any of
you boc-l'ers have any contact with the band tell 'em!

         ||\          * Ask me for my PGP Key!                "San Diego's
         ||<          * Brokedown Palace! 619-596-1974/7419     Original
       |_||/          * jbrooks at                    Grateful BBS"

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