BOC CDs, was Re: BOC We gotta get out...

Joseph Brooks bpalace!jbrooks at CONNECTNET1.CONNECTNET.COM
Thu Sep 21 10:05:47 EDT 1995

On Wed 20-Sep-1995  5:34p, albert bouchard wrote:

ab> master disc. Maybe CD reissues sound bad because vinyl records hide a
ab> multitude of sins with all kinds of noise like inner groove distortion
ab> (the
ab> last cut on a side is all distorted and trebly sounding), print-through
ab> (you
ab> hear an echo of the song before the song starts) as well as analogue tape
ab> hiss
ab> vs. surface noise. On a CD you hear these noises and others in all their
ab> glory. Vinyl is dead long live vinyl!

I may be in a vast minority on this but... for certain types of music, I
prefer vinyl over CD. Sometimes CD is just *too* clean, too steril sounding.
Sometimes the muddier sound of vinyl (if said vinyl is in good shape and on a
decent system) is better to my ears, especially for 'raunchy' rock n roll or
old blues etc.

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