new releases (OFF TOPIC)
Fri Sep 22 11:25:51 EDT 1995
From: canders at WJH.HARVARD.EDU
>> Carl, tell me more about RJ, is it psychedelic like _Way Out_ or more
>> polished and alternative like _Reflector_?? Thanks
> _Return Journey_ is composed of outtakes from the sessions for
> the first album
"Other Way Out"
> ..._Return Journey_ and it is a *must-have* on
> CD. I went out and bought a fuzz-box because of this ;)
Seems to me I saw "Return Journey" listed in The Laser's Edge
catalog last Winter 1995. Perhaps you can still get it from Ken
Golden/Laser's Edge at lasercd at, or (609) 751 - 6444. I've
been thinking about ordering it myself, anyone who contacts Ken
feel free to let me know if it is still in stock.
Ken also slags Sundial's third album (name not mentioned --
possibly this is "Reflector" ?) as being "..much too polished", if
that is a comparison for those who may have heard it.
BTW Sundial "Other Way Out" is outstanding early-seventies-style
psychedelic, fuzzy, noisy space rock. Recommended.
Captain Cloud
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