Spirit of the Age remix

bchina at CROWN.NET bchina at CROWN.NET
Tue Sep 26 20:49:53 EDT 1995

Regarding the remixes of Spirit of the Age:
>I don't know much about it, but I bought it a few weeks ago.  I've only
>listened to it once, and I thought it was almost boring.  None of the songs
>really stood out, or seemed like normal Hawkwind.
>Maybe I should give it another listen...

Yes, by all means!  Granted, the remixes are not terribly similar to the original version,
but I'm nevertheless quite pleased with this release.  In fact, it is one of my favorites!
Who would have suspected that Hawkwind songs would adapt so well to the
dance/trance/ambient format?
--bchina at crown.net
  John Majka

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