HW: Remasters.
J Strobridge
eset08 at CASTLE.ED.AC.UK
Tue Apr 2 13:16:41 EST 1996
Carl E. Anderson writes:
> Considering that HW are not exactly a chart-topping band and I
> doubt the remasters are getting much press, I don't think it was a good
> idea to price the CDs this high. I think they'd do better by knocking a
> few quid off and selling more. Who except a die-hard fan is gonna buy
> these? They did a great job on the re-mastering and packaging and it'd
> be a shame to see that go to nought because they were priced beyond the
> means of all but the die-hard fans who'll buy them anyway .... :P
I'm intrigued by the fact that there's obviously also a big push on to
flog as many Pink Floyd CDs as can possibly be arranged - also at
similarly inflated prices - except in PFs case they've got a separate
stand and if you buy in sufficient quantities you get a free poster!
I feel that the sound quality of the Hawk CDs along with the superb
packaging does actually make paying these prices worthwhile - one of the
few occasions when I'd be in favour of it. My regret is that there is
no way, simply from the way the CDs are put into the CD racks in the
shops, that either the remastered quality or the elegance of the
packaging can possibly be displayed to full advantage and since the
front covers haven't changed at all (or very little) there is virtually
no way anyone unaware of the new packages can tell the difference
between an old CD version of ISoS or Mountain Grill from the
re-mastered one - except by the excessively high price of the latter -
and that's hardly going to be a recommendation!
A higher advertising profile might have been more helpful (a few
cardboard cutouts on record shop counters across the country perhaps? or
several thousand bright yellow stickers screaming "DIGITALLY REMASTERED
- SUPERB SOUND QUALITY" on the front of each?) but that I'd guess is
EMI's decision not Hawkwind's.
J.D.Strobridge at ed.ac.uk eset08 at castle.ed.ac.uk
ELIJSA at srv0.arts.ed.ac.uk
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