BOC: Forwarded: RE: Sex Pistols

Brent C. McDonald brentmcd at DEM.EHNR.STATE.NC.US
Wed Apr 3 16:22:48 EST 1996

> >8. Were the sex pistols right when they said 'no future'?
> No, because they are getting back together.

No. There's 'no future' in the reunion, just a reprise of the
already-falsified past, (nec)romantic 'punk'. And maybe it's better to
see the Pistols do it than to get it from Rancid...

The Swindle Continues
> Is this true?  Aargh!  Do they need the $$ that badly?

"when the money dwindles
 it's time for another swindle"
> Four _(er, ten and counting...)_ relevant comments:
> 1.  R.I.P. Sid
> 2.  Rotten = Lydon
> 3.  the Beatles
> 4.  the Eagles

>5. "Flogging A Dead Horse"
>6. "Some Product/Carri on"
>7. "ahaha...ever get the feeling you've been cheated? goodnight."
>   (Johnny Rotten, The Winterland, San Francisco, Jan 14, 1978)

8.  Led Zeppelin (Robert Plant!)
9.  "milking a dead cow"
10. Pink Floyd (but not Roger Waters!)


11.  BOC ?!??

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