OFF Gong & the Ozrics

Dave Berry daveb at HARLEQUIN.CO.UK
Tue Apr 9 19:17:52 EDT 1996

> Maybe they've changed but when i used to see the Ozrics you could hardly
> have described them in any other way but "like Gong".

Well, I hope that Gong are better, because I'm going to see them on
Friday, and I thought the Ozrics were rather dull when I saw them live.
Gong have lyrics, which usually helps provide some focus.

The only Gong I know is Camembert Electrique, Flying Teapot, Angel's Egg,
and Floating Anarchy.  (The other Gong albums I've heard were dull).
Some Ozrics tunes sound like these four, but most of the Ozrics music is
different.  On disk, I find these Gong albums more interesting to listen
to, while the Ozrics make nice background music.

At least Friday's gig will only have one support band (Porcupine Tree).
I can see the bands that I'm interested in, then piss off home.


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