HW: Oh no, it's Nik versus Dave!

Paul Mather paul at CSGRAD.CS.VT.EDU
Thu Apr 11 17:07:34 EDT 1996

Steve writes:

> To me, Nikwind just doesn't sound like Hawkwind.  They sound like
> Pressurehed.  I never saw them with Helios Creed on guitar, maybe that
> would have made the difference.  But their guitar sound is lacking
> something, and to me, the guitar is the core of the Hawkwind sound (the
> spine of god?).  ;-) The fact that a lot of ex-Hawkwind members are now in
> Nikwind lends credibility to the idea that there are "two" legitimate
> contenders to the title of Hawkwind - but the fact is that one sounds like
> Hawkwind, while the other sounds like Pressurehed with guest musicians.

I think Rudy hit the nail on the head when he said, effectively, that
everybody's idea of the "true" Hawkwind will differ according to their
favourite lineup/time period.  I am reminded of that scene in the film
_Spartactus_.  Imagine it: "Will the real Hawkwind come forward?"  Dave
Brock shuffles around, amidst a tumult of emotions.  Then, from his
right, up jumps Huw Lloyd-Langton and the heavy metal Hawkwind of the
80s, proudly claiming, "I'm Hawkwind!"  Then, to his left stands up Nik,
declaring, "I'm Hawkwind!"  Up lumbers Lemmy, and the early 70s
incarnation, shouting, "I'm Hawkwind!"  Soon there are a chorus of
voices: Space Ritual era, Bob Calvert era, 80s Nik era, 90s Nikwind,
3Wind, etc. etc. all bellowing, "I'm Hawkwind!"

Which one is Hawkwind?  You decide.  But I suspect that decision is based
more upon whether you like their output more than whether they have
"legitimate" claim to the title.  It could be argued (especially by the
Swedish Hawkfans on this list) that Nik Turner is playing more in the
"Hawkwind style" of old than Hawkwind are today.  By all accounts, the
NiXtar show was a blinder...

To me, _Space Ritual '94_ Nikwind sounds a bit like the 80s heavy metal
Hawkwind.  It doesn't sound much like Pressurehed.  I'm waiting to hear
_Past or Future_ (when my local eventually manages to order it for me!).



obCD: Gary Moore, _Blues for Greeny_

e-mail: paul at csgrad.cs.vt.edu                    A stranger in a strange land.

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