NIK: Japan?

nakayama at SDL.HITACHI.CO.JP nakayama at SDL.HITACHI.CO.JP
Fri Apr 12 18:24:06 EDT 1996

Hi. I'm alive...

> It would be most interesting to see a review when and if one comes out.
If I find such stuff, I'm going to tell y'all here about how Nik's
Hawkwind impressed Japanese Hawkfans. Actually, Amon Duul II, which
toured Japan a little later, caused by far more surprise and praise,
resulting in being covered ahead by several magazines, though.

> PS: I think Mike Holmes is still looking for the Japanese vinyl of
> Doremi with the extra Silver Machine track.    If you ever manage to
> hear of this or know of a record shop that would do a search I think
> he'd be glad to hear of it!
Although I don't know how good Mike's memory is, ha-ha, I remember
the promise I made about the Japanese version of Doremi vinyl. It's true
there's always some quantity of many used Hawkwind albums in market,
but most of them happen to be import ones as far as I know.
Anyway, I've been paying attention, lest he request my copy...

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