Eric on Imaginos
Carl E. Anderson
cea20 at CUS.CAM.AC.UK
Fri Apr 26 08:17:38 EDT 1996
> > Eric also says complementary things about Crate guitar amps? I
> > recall these sucking horribly--have they changed or is he in space?
> > He says they are using Crate's Blue Voodoo amps ...
> I haven't tried the Crates, but Phil Hilborne (editor of *Guitar
> Techniques*) was using 'em and he usually has one of the best live
> guitar sounds imaginable. I don't know what model he used but they
> looked amazing - a smokey plastic front that let you see the valves
> glowing away.
OK, I haven't tried the valve Crates. I remember trying a couple
of their little tranny combos a few years back and they were pretty
bad--I mean worse than even transistors had a right to be. I got better
tone outta my Boss "Heavy Metal" pedal :)
> I saw Phils band last night and he had switched to Ampeg (same company
> isn't it?) and his sound was pretty average - very thin and toppy in
> that American, late '80s way. I'll be interested to see if he's switched
> back to Crate by the time of the Birmingham Guitar show in June.
Ampeg for guitar? I know they are supposed to be pretty classic
for basses, but I never met a guitarist using them. And I never had
the money or excuse to get a mondo Ampeg valve bass amp :) Got my little
Peavey TNT 160 here with my DOD "Bass Grunge" pedal. Tone city!
Well ... it does the job anyway ;)
Carl Edlund Anderson "So that's Terra. Oohwee, look out
ASNAC Dept., Cambridge U. wenchlings, here come the Hawklords."
cea20 at -Lord Lemmy (Hawkwind, _Space Ritual_)
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