HW: Vid
Duane Hoyt
Wed Aug 14 09:08:41 EDT 1996
Hello all,
A while back I posted about identifying a vid, and with some help, I
have it narrowed down to a couple possibilities. I have since gotten
the tape back and I am posting the songs in order in hopes of getting
a definite date and place of this show. If anyone can identify this
tape I would appreciate knowing the exact date and place of the show.
It starts out inside a room, what appears to be a rehersal, with Nik,
Dave, Harvey, and Huw being identifiable. They are doing a practice run of
MotU. It then cuts outdoors, and the contest of best chest of about 11
female contestents. Here is the songlist:
Dust of Time/Waiting for Tomorrow/Ghost Dance/Psychedelic Warlords/Welcome
to Utopia/Angels of Death/Shade Gate/Motorway City/Silver Machine/Brainstorm/
at this point there is some sort of drawing for some kind of prize/Ejection/
Shot Down in the Night/Master of the Universe/another drawing/Sonic Attack/
then there is some talking in which someone says " I hope your protest is
successful"/Death Trap.
Thanks in advance for any help identifying this.
Also I recieved a vid of a Pink Floyd show, which is date stamped April 14,
1994. Does anyone have a giglist of the 94 PF tour that could tell me where
this show took place? It is a very good quality vid, shot by someone rather
close to the stage.
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