HW: R. Calvert...8 years on...

Keith A Henderson khenders at MAGNUS.ACS.OHIO-STATE.EDU
Wed Aug 14 11:45:27 EDT 1996

Hi Folks....

Well, today is the Eighth Anniversary of the untimely demise of one Captain
Lockheed, so everyone should pull out their 'Tales from Atomhenge' CD's or
Quark at least and give it a spin in remembrance.

It's commonly asked, 'Do you remember where you were when JFK was shot'??  or
other similar scale events.  I'd have to ask my mom on this one, as I was yet
to be born (although I was a fetus then).  But I remember where/how I first
learned of the Challenger explosion.  And I certainly *do* remember where I was
when I learned of Bob Calvert's death.  It was in Chris' Warped Records in
Lakewood, OH (the only time I was ever in there I believe), flipping through
the music magazines, when I saw it in a small news caption in one of them.  I'd
say this was probably at least a month afterwards.  I guess nowadays I'd have
learned of it within 24 hours, due to this newsgroup.

Anybody else remember where they were??

Keith H. (FAA)

P.S.  Boy, it's been pretty quiet here the past week...everybody must be going
      on holiday again.

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