HW: Lemmy in Loaded
sihalley at VOSSNET.CO.UK
Fri Aug 16 20:57:54 EDT 1996
Reply to J Strobridge about Re: HW: Lemmy in Loaded
>Rob writes:
>> There's a three-page interview with Lemmy in this month's Loaded
>> magazine. There's not much about Hawkwind there, but they've compiled
>> a "10 things you didn't know about Lemmy" the first of which says that
>> he wasn't a permanent member of Hawkwind when he was sacked.
>> Is this true? I'd have typed the others in, but I left the mag at
>> home.
>I'm not entirely sure how many of the band could have been considered
>"permanent" members in the early 70s! - at least according to the various
>histories I've read - even Dave Brock had to call off sick on a couple of
>occasions so it's possible that some folk were more often not there than
>there on many gigs. Unreliable, I think is the phrase usually employed.
>But, yeah, I had always thought of Lemmy as being one of the full-time
>band members up until his departure.
I read in several places that Lemmy joined on six months probation and ended
up staying years. He was never officially asked to join as such. This might be
what they are refering to.
sihalley at vossnet.co.uk
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