HW: Kollekting Kontinued/Astounding...

Johan Edlundh hawkjoe at EKA.ERICSSON.SE
Sun Aug 18 14:38:51 EDT 1996

we recently discussed some hawkwind kollekting - here's an addendum:

astounding sounds, amazing music

Got now both 'original' covers, "concrete hawk" and "woman with radio", both
with the fake ads inner sleeve.
The first cover (concrete) has both sides in a more red tuning, while the
second (woman) is brown - a bit like the Griffin CD. There's no problem
seeing the difference while the items is lying beside each other.

andy gilham said:
>I know both exist - because my copy (CDS 4004) has hawk on the front - that
>is, with the hawk towards you, the opening is on the right.  It's clearly a
>cock-up, becasue the album title really ought to be on the front and the
>track list on the back!

I'm pretty sure this ain't a 'cock-up', (though it should be!) because if
you look (I think rj said he had both copies) at both items back side at
bottom left you have the Phonogram logo, and this little story: "Marketed by
Charisma Records Ltd., 70 Old Compton St/Manufactured and Distributed by
Phonogram Ltd..."
This should indicate you have two different covers, and not one cover that
has been cut open in two different ways. Me thinks.

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