Michael Moorcock 's Singing Enagagement NYC (8/19)[radio](fwd)

Mike Parkington mdp at TADPOLE.CO.UK
Thu Aug 22 12:21:56 EDT 1996


If you get a copy, I'd like one too!


Mike P

From:   simon[SMTP:sihalley at VOSSNET.CO.UK]
Sent:   Thursday, August 22, 1996 11:41
To:     Multiple recipients of list BOC-L
Subject:        Re: Michael Moorcock 's Singing Enagagement NYC (8/19)[radio](fwd)

Reply to Allan T Grohe Jr about Re: Michael Moorcock 's Singing Enagagement
NYC (8/19)[radio](fwd)
>        here's the news from Jim Freund who taped the reading for
>        WBAI--it will be broadcast, along with an interview on
>        saturday 8/24 on WBAI 99.5 FM (new york city) 5-7am.

>        the show's name is "hour of the wolf" i will be trying to
>        get a copy from a friend in nyc but if there's anyone on the
>        list over there who can definitely tape it please email me!



I'd love a copy of this if it happens. If anybody knows a way of getting a
copy to the UK then I love to hear from them.


sihalley at vossnet.co.uk

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