BOC, first album
Christian Mumford
christian.mumford at LOGIN.EUNET.NO
Tue Dec 3 09:05:46 EST 1996
My story is fairly short:
Some years ago, my axe-weilding friend Ray, being a huge Godzilla fan, picked
up the BOC tape with that track on it - he played it constantly in his car,
but only the Godzilla song - we both agreed at the time that it was the only
good song on there...
So, last year I picked up a cheap 4CD set called 'rock
legends' because I needed a quick 70's/80's rock fix - there was, among a
couple of great live BOC songs (DFTR and Born to be Wild), stuff by
Hawkwind, Motorhead, Black Sabbath (most of which I already had), and stuff
by Atomic Rooster, Uriah Heep, Sensational Alex Harvey Band, T. Rex, Magnum
(argh!), Girlschool...
and others. Anyway, the BOC stuff prompted me to pick up 'Career of Evil', and
then some months later I found this list - and eventually picked up the
'Workshop of the Telescopes' compilation. Now I'm eyeballing that used copy of
'Imaginos' at the second hand store across town... I traded off the box set
after I got my fix tho'. Why are no 'Imaginos' tracks on either of the BOC
comps. BTW?
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