HW: Rough Guide and Fodor's Guide

Dave Berry daveb at HARLEQUIN.CO.UK
Mon Dec 9 11:14:00 EST 1996

While xmas shopping, I browsed the entries for Hawkwind in two new books:
The Rough Guide To Rock Music, and Fodor's Guide to 20th-Century Popular
Music (or something like that).

The Rough Guide was surprisingly good.  It was positive overall, accurate,
and up-to-date.  On recent albums, it described IITBOTFTBD as electronic
meandering, said that "The Business Trip" was a fine live album, and
mentioned "Alien 4" positively.

Fodor's Guide was not so good.  It was written in a neutral style, which
is fair enough, but it was inaccurate.  For examples of 80's albums, it
listed "Bring Me The Head Of Yuri Gagarin" and "Space Ritual 2".  It also
wasn't as up-to-date as the Rough Guide.


ObCD: Electric Tepee.
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