OFF: Lardbringer
Mike Parkington
Wed Dec 11 11:04:47 EST 1996
I have it on fairly good authority that the current incarnation of the
Eternal Champion is Vic Reeves and Stormbringer has been reincarnated as
the oversized frying pan that you sometimes see him with. I believe that it
goes by the sinister name of Lardbringer. Scary eh?
Mike P.
From: Max Wilcox[SMTP:s333271 at STUDENT.UQ.EDU.AU]
Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 1996 02:32
To: Multiple recipients of list BOC-L
Subject: Re: HW: Elric and OJ
William Duffy wrote:
> Andrew Gilham wrote:
> >
> > That's "Yyrkoon" :) Pronounced "YER-coon" by MM on the "Elric at the
> > tape. Easy to remember, because it's another variant on Jerry
Cornelius -
> > "Jer-Corn"...
> >
> Just how many variants are there? Apart from all the obvious ones such
> as Elric, Erekose, etc., etc..
> William
> PS Like Doctor Who, Robin Hood and James Bond, it appears The Eternal
> Champion is a Time Lord with regenerative powers!
Jeeze, god knows... In an infinite number of alternate universes, I
guess there would be an infinite number of champions. Moorcock certainly
gives the impression that there are quite a few. He mentions many that
he hasn't written about. I guess that every society has a champion,
though the champion is not necessaraly the central character of all of
his books. I seem to remember there being some kind of confusion between
wether Una Persson or Jerry were the champion.
-Max Wilcox
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