BOC: An Experiement

BREVARD Adrian R. (MSMail) ABrevard at SHL.COM
Thu Dec 12 10:36:00 EST 1996

Just finished an unusual experiment.  You may want to try this.

I forced my 16 year old niece to listen to a few BOC songs and provide
an opinion.  Well 16 year olds are hard to keep still (especially when a
phone rings) but she did listen to the following songs;

Vera Gemini -"Hey that+s got a nice little beat to it.  That guy is
pretty kewl!"

Dominance and Submission - "Duh I don+t get it?  What+s he talking

DFtR - "Never heard that one before-"

Morning Final - "Hmmm not bad I like that one."

Let me put this into perspective.  My niece thinks the musical world
revolves around the late Tupac Shakur and DJ Kool   Rock and Roll to her
is music for dweebs.  She never understood my fascination with BOC or
why I described some of their music as  "smooth"-  Overall she thinks
they're not too bad.

Alex>"It's just plain ridiculous, that's what I say.

And to that Alex I add a hearty AMEN!

Alex>" As for it sounding funky, I dunno, never thought of that
I'll have to give the album another listen and check that out... hmm..."

Ooops my bad.  Wasn+t insinuating Mirrors was funky or even all BOC
music.  Certain songs have elements of funk and jazz, maybe its just me
but its what I pick up.  Some of the songs you+ll find this funky/jazzy
mix in (my opinion at least) are Vera, D&S and Monsters, to name a few.
Monsters really has a lot of good swings in it, especially when the Sax
comes in.  Not to say that if you put that dreaded track drumming and
blasted it at some dance club BOC music would make everybody sweat mind
you.  Now I am also of the opinion that funky manifestations that
occasionally appear in BOC songs is the fault of one man, Al Bouchard.
Yep I blame big Al for this 8^).  Need proof, check out tBS+ Soul Jive.
That one would work in a dance club with a couple of minor
modifications.  Don+t get me wrong either I LOVE this sound in BOC+s and
tBS+ music.  If anything it provides additional emotional content,
something that is lacking in the modern prog metal scene for sure (i.e.,
Shadow Gallery Dream Theater et. al no flames I like them too.)

Torgo>" Poll? Did someone say poll? It seems like I just did the last
one. Or maybe
its just the pain from it all still echoing through my brain like
backfire. :^D"

About 18 mos. to two years ago ya did this thing with some interesting
results.  Wonder what they would look like now in comparison.  Do you
still have the results?  Ooops I forgot, I spilled coffee all over them
didn+t I.  8^).

AOL Chat - Glad the participants enjoyed themselves and happier still
that the album is done, basically.  I am curious though by what they
mean March 97.  Does that mean it will be available in the US 3/97 or
available in Europe only?  I would think that to get it into the US they
have to have a distributor and it could be up to a year from then before
you see it in places like Best Buy or Towers without the import
label/price tag.

Theo - The KX list has been "reactivated"  I+ll send you the subscribe
info if your interested.

+lil ab

OBCD - Strange Universe - Mahogany Rush (Love this one Troy)

"And the sounds of truth
ring hollow
in this pretense world of show
and the footlights
burn their pathways
as the profits come and go
and the seeming some - day singer
lives the Carney Barker+s dream
selling all by saying nothing in
the language of a scream"

Kinda sums up the whole silly BOC-L v. AOL debate.

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