HW: Francis Bacon?

Thu Dec 12 16:47:26 EST 1996

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   >From: Karl Hiller <khiller at NICKEL.UCS.INDIANA.EDU>
   >Subject: HW: Francis Bacon?
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   >So I was reading "New Atlantis" by Sir Francis Bacon for a class, and I
   >noticed this passage.  The speaker is one of the ruling class of a
   >utopian island:
   >"You shall understand that there is not under the heavens so chaste a
   >nation as this of Bensalem, nor so free from all pollution or foulness.
   >It is the virgin of the world..."
   >There's nothing else to connect this to the Hawkwind song of the same
   >name (no undead or anything), but it is a pretty distinctive phrase.   I
   >wonder if Hawkwind may have borrowed the phrase from someone who got it
   >from Bacon?  ("New Atlantis" was published in 1627).
   >Is this a useful bit of trivia for the Codex?

I dunno about that one. Could be a stretch. Distinctive, but maybe it is an
established phrase...
That reminds me, I was reading Burroughs' "Nova Express" the other day, and
in the beginning it mentioned (along w/the orgones/Reich, as already
mentioned) Hassan I Sabha. So there's another HW/Burrough's connection...I
don't think anyone mentioned that one yet. Calvert may have
picked all this stuff
up from reading Burroughs...

`[1;34;41mRainbow V 1.19.4 for Delphi - Test Drive

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