BOC, BRAIN: Last night's AOL Chat

Andrew Gilham Andy_Gilham at MSN.COM
Fri Dec 13 10:12:01 EST 1996

>Didn't take the time to check, cause I had been like fighting with AOL for
>15 minutes to find a login name it would accept ! @!&?@$#

>From my stint on AOL, I seem to recall that Desdinova at aol was taken.  But hey,
DR found that someone had beaten him to BuckDharma at aol...

I remember trying to say "BOC-L are OK, really" on AOL, and someone said BOC-L
were "pseudo-intellectual shits".  So I didn't feel like sticking around to be
insulted further.  Or to discuss firearms.  Or the NFL.  Or BOC mouse mats.

- Andy

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