HW: Lyrics for LSD

M Holmes fofp at TATTOO.ED.AC.UK
Mon Dec 16 07:13:28 EST 1996

Bryan Pitkin writes:

> In looking over the "illegal" lyric list
> I came across "Rambo In Space";  I checked the codex but I couldn't find any
> reference to it...Where is it from
> ???????????????

It's from a gig played in '88 (?) where it was read out as poetry.

The various other Hawkwind tracks which aren't on CD are:

Star Song   (title unknown from 1990)                          Wishart
The Blackening Rabbit      (1981 tour)                         Brock?
The Joker Of The Universe                                      Moorcock
The Timeship Will Not Sail Again                               Moorcock
Your Secret's Safe With Me                                     Wishart
Time For Sale                                                  Calvert?
Astronauts                                                     Ashley?
Note From A Cold Planet                                        Moorcock
The Welcoming Hands Of Space                                   Ashley?
They've Got Your Number                                        Langton
Mark Of Cain                                                   Langton
Ode To A Crystal Set                                           Calvert
Time Of                                                        Brock?
My Armour's Killing Me                                         Moorcock
Raping Robots In The Street                                    Brock


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