HW: Francis Bacon?

Jon Browne jon at COMICS.DEMON.CO.UK
Mon Dec 16 13:21:27 EST 1996

In message <32B56E58.48B9 at iinet.net.au>, William Duffy
<xl5 at IINET.NET.AU> writes
>I heard an interview with Calvert on an Australian radio station many,
>many years ago (for all you Australians, it was called DoubleJ at the
>time). In the interview he spoke of the meaning of the title Hassan I
>Sabha. I don't remember the exact details, but he said something about
>it being old slang for assassin.
>Although it is possible he found it in Burroughs, it is also an
>established phrase in some parts of the world.
>PS I wonder if copies of that interview exist in the vaults of TripleJ.

VERY breifly (I *will* do a biog. at some stage soon.) Hassan I Sahba
was the leader of the Hashishim from where we get the words both
"assassin" and "hashish". A cult of assassins who ol' Hass used to load
the recruits up on dope so they passed out. They'd wake up in his
gardens with all manner of delights on hand including beautiful
handmaidens to cater for their every whim. 3 days later, they'd be
brought back and wake up back in the regular castle. Hass would tell
them he had shown them heaven/the afterlife. Incredibly loyal, they
were, after that, and had no fear of death.
Jon Browne

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