HW:Re: The REAL Hawks

Wed Dec 25 08:11:26 EST 1996

Maxine: remember,you started this. ;)
i try to avoid bringing up topics like this ,as there are so many strong
oppinions out there,its
almost like politics or religion...;)

>         Simon House irrelevant?!?!?! Blasphemy!!! I haven't -seen- them
> but I've got almost everything they've released on CD from the recent
> concerts - and the Spiral Realms end of things I think is bloody
> brilliant. Pressurehead, I don't like solo, but they seem to do alright
> when they're with Nik.

simon is fine on the studio stuff.by irrelevant,i mean that when they can
FIND him to get him on the stage,you can hardly hear him.i tried to speak
with him before the philly gig last year,and he was unable
to form complete sentences.im sure simon is very intelligent,but at the
time he was only so much toast.
not saying i've never been there,but i have never been there when people
were out of there way to see me.
he was only on the stage for a couple of tunes,and like i said he mayas
well not have been.
    as for the members of pressurehead,i cant stand them as a band,but
loved them with nik.

>         OK, well there's one exception to this, which is Profits of Time
> (purposeful mis-spelling). This was crap, but I'm not sure, but I don't
> think that Simon or Del were involved with this. I may be wrong on this
> account.

profits of time-
nik,helios,simon,del rio,grenas,fox,genisis,shelley,labelle,and welsh.
people must think im strange,but i love this album!
its not hawkwind,but it is very cool IMO.(except for that silliness about
the alien-abducted indian guy.)

> > brockwind,while it has its problems,is a logical progression of
> > still touch on the old stuff,but
> > at least they are putting out new material.
>         Listening to Space Ritual, and then throwing on Alien4, for me
> imply a -very logical- progression. It's certainly a progression, but a
> logical one?

yes, but it didnt go from spaceritual to alien four. there are entire
worlds between. and the two people
who initiated the most drastic changes are calvert and turner. im not
slandering anyone, but look at astounding sounds and hawklords for calvert
changes. no resemblance to spaceritual type whatsoever.
and nik got so silly in the early 80's that several members said "its him
or me".
and nik just doesn't want to be hawkwind.he (from talking to him) prefers
to keep that as a project
sort of thing,and much prefers to work with his several other bands. (punk
and jazz)

>         I'm not saying (as I said before) that I don't like the new
stuff, but
> I think it's quite a bit removed from what HW used to be. Yes, bands
> have to change, progress, etc, but it's a question of which direction
> they progress in.

dont mean to be insulting by this,but do you like hw because you love what
they play,or because they play what you love? to me, hw is a ride,a
starship of which i am definitely not the captain. i just fasten
my seatbelt and let them take me where they will.
i am not >completely< satisfied with the way things are going,but what the

>         Unless I'm grossly mistaken, I believe you are talking about the
> CD that was a re-done version of the old one, which has nothing to do
> with Anubian Lights. Anubian Lights is an official, new, with Nik,
> recording. Admittedly, Nik doesn't write on all of the songs, but
> then...

no, i am talking about anubian lights,eternal sky. according to
cleopatra,the music tracks were
recorded in the studio,and sent to nik for him to add his bits on.

>         I guess it's a question of wether you like all of that
> ambienty sort of stuff. I hated it untill I heard the Amubian Lights
> stuff. It's a different genre than the space rock stuff, so I guess that
> it's not surprising that some won't like it as much.

i never said i dint like it. i bought it after hearing it twice.i love it.
but it doesnt remotely compare to HW.

> > the 'official' hw is the one for me,no question.i prefer high energy at
> > shows.
>         Well, I won't be able to argue with this until (hopefully) the
> of next year when they're coming to Australia. But, jusdgin from the
> live recordings Love in Space and Past or Future, I'd be more likely to
> go with Nik.

both are pretty much as you would see them live.so its just a matter of
what ya like.
but love in space is packed with new surprises, and the only new surprises
on past or future,are songs
by or from the non hw members.

>         High energy at the shows? Wop on the Silver Machine from Past or
> Future, for some high energy.....

aaargh!  i cringe every time i hear that song done by anybody! and i think
nik does it worst of all.
it (IMO,of course) was a cancerous growth on an otherwise beautiful show in
niks past or present tour.
i think the only two people who ever did it justice were brock and lemmy.
brock has the good sense these days not to try,and lemmy is gone... nik
just can't handle the vocals. hurts my ears just thinking about it.

>         Merry Crass-mass, and all that sort of thing...

happy-happy....   rj
> -Max Wilcox

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