Nethawk T

Martyn White white at BORG.MED.ECU.EDU
Fri Dec 27 03:40:41 EST 1996

        And very good Ts they are.  The word went out and so did
the shirts, a few millenia ago.  I got several and am very happy
with them.  Also I got a few from a different consortium that
had a big airplane flying over stonehenge.  But as I remember
they did not get universal acceptance upon the list.  Anyway
since its up for discussion, a BOC-L shirt should and must be
appropriate apparrel for any BOC or HW concert into which one
has wondered whilst not wearing a LAB COAT.

        In Charllottesville (VA) where I find myself right now,
they have a store that sells lab coats that have been tie-died.
Advertized as "Dr. Garcia", they sell for $70.00

Has the world gone mad or is it me ?


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