HW:Re: The REAL Hawks

Stephen Swann swann at MINDVOX.COM
Mon Dec 30 10:50:30 EST 1996

RJ writes:
> >         Simon House irrelevant?!?!?! Blasphemy!!! I haven't -seen- them
> live,
> > but I've got almost everything they've released on CD from the recent
> > concerts - and the Spiral Realms end of things I think is bloody
> > brilliant. Pressurehead, I don't like solo, but they seem to do alright
> > when they're with Nik.
> simon is fine on the studio stuff.by irrelevant,i mean that when they can
> FIND him to get him on the stage,you can hardly hear him.

That irks me, too.  When I saw Nikwind (more than a year ago, I guess),
Simon and Spiral Realms opened up.  They sounded *great*, and I could
hear the violin very clearly.  Unfortunately, when he joined Nikwind on
stage for a couple of songs, he was completely drowned out.

>     as for the members of pressurehead,i cant stand them as a band,but
> loved them with nik.

Funny, I rather like my Pressurehed albums, but when they back Nik up,
the whole thing just doesn't sound Hawkish enough for me.  There's
something fundamantally different in the guitar sound of Dave vs.  the
guy from Pressurehed, and Nik/Pressurewind just doesn't sound quite
right to me.

I never heard Nikwind with Helios on guitar, so I can't comment
on that tour.

> dont mean to be insulting by this,but do you like hw because you love what
> they play,or because they play what you love? to me, hw is a ride,a
> starship of which i am definitely not the captain. i just fasten
> my seatbelt and let them take me where they will.
> i am not >completely< satisfied with the way things are going,but what the
> hell.

Same here.  I haven't been totally satisfied with what Hawkwind has
done for the last several years, but they're at least forging ahead,
which means that there's always hope for the future.  And if they
keep putting out albums like The Business Trip, then even the
present isn't really so bad...

swann at panix.com

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