HW: 2 compilation tape projects

J Strobridge eset08 at CASTLE.ED.AC.UK
Thu Feb 1 13:57:13 EST 1996

> PS thanks for checking the Images stuff, phewww One less CD to worry about.
> PPS Jill didn't we establish the Hi Tech cities to be a studio track
>         a while back ? I think I remeber this ?

Ah - can you remember where it came from and when?  I've checked it
against Agents of Chaos and it's quite different (words - intonation -
instruments) so where has it come from?

I've also checked tracklists for any Brock demos I've got but there's
nothing there either.    Seems an odd track to add on at the end if it's
not related to Leicester

I remember we discussed High Rise at some point.   Hi-Tech Cities
doesn't come immediately to mind.     However.....

It also runs into the problem of how (or indeed whether) we should
attempt to distinguish what may be studio tracks that have been added to
otherwise live albums or indeed live versions that may have been put on
studio albums (not so usual I admit but I think there are examples).
This kind of detail might well lead into hopelessly obscure
complexities.   We could certainly start a much more detailed Codex
where every track is assigned its likely source (volunteers???).   Until
then we've just got the broad brush approach to rely on which is calling
tracks on a "live" album "live".    This may indeed be wrong and if
anyone has any really obvious candidates perhaps we should tag them.

But for now ... have we got definite proof that Hi-Tech Cities is studio
and not taken from (say an Italian) live boot tape?    I'm sorta curious


J.D.Strobridge at ed.ac.uk                         eset08 at castle.ed.ac.uk
                                                ELIJSA at srv0.arts.ed.ac.uk

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