BS Fans Energized?

Sat Feb 3 01:40:42 EST 1996

On  1-FEB-1996 16:35:08.3 BOC-L said to HERBERT119
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   >Date: Thu, 01 Feb 1996 20:46:59 +0000
   >From: "Carl E. Anderson" <cea20 at CUS.CAM.AC.UK>
   >Subject: Re: BS Fans Energized?
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   >> I never listen to the radio
   >> and I get all my impressions on new music from record reviews
   >> and interviews with musicians that I read in guitar magazines.
   >I never listen to the radio either, and never have.  I've heard

When I was younger, I had the typical influences - Radio, MTV, older
siblings, friends, etc who exposed me to music. And some experimenting (just
buying something that looked good)
But ever since my father
went into the computer consulting business in '92 (and therefore buying a
more high-powered computer with a modem), it's been tape trading. It's
amazing, really, whole new worlds of music that have been opened to me by
simply having a modem. I wonder what my music collection would consist of
(or maybe NOT consist of would be more appropriate) if I'd never hooked up.
     Radio makes me ill ("Radios, disappear!") now. And I think most BOC fans
agree, as we rarely get to hear anything by them except the standard hits.


"Can you dig the locomotion?" Sorry, Al, but no. Not on radio.

`[1;36;45mRainbow V 1.19.4 for Delphi - Test Drive

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